Nether Green Infant School

On-Line Safety

On-line safety comes with some risks. Not all these risks turn into problems; and if children never face any risks, they never learn how to deal with them. By helping our children to understand what the risks are we can help them to enjoy the world wide web and to use it as a very useful and safe learning tool.

Our Acceptable Use Policy  written by the children of Nether Green Infant School:

  • Don't go on the computer or the internet without asking a grown up
  • Always be near a grown up if you are playing  on an ipad, tablet or phone
  • Don't press lots of buttons when you don't know what they are
  • If a pop-up comes up, close it
  • If you see something rude or scary, tell a grown up
  • Don't trust people on-line because they might not tell the truth
  • Don't open or delete other children's work
  • If you break a rule, be honest and tell a teacher or a grown up

You may find the following websites useful:





Stumperlowe Park Road
S10 3QP

0114 2304094