Nether Green Infant School

Times of the School Day


8.40am - School gates open 

8.52am - School gates close, any child arriving after this time must be brought to the School Office. 

8.55am - Registration*

9.00am - First lesson starts

10.00am - 10.20am - Playtime for Reception 

10.25am - 10.45am - Playtime for KS1

12.00pm - 1.00pm - Lunchtime for all children

3.20pm - End of the day for all children


Total statutory hours in school: (8:55-3:20pm) 6 hours 25 mins per day = 32 hours and 5 minutes

Total possible hours in school: (8:40-3:20pm) 6 hours 40 mins per day = 33 hours and 20 minutes

*8:55am is the official start time - all children are expected to be in class ready by 8:55 am. 

Please note many of our children have siblings at Nether Green Junior School - our flexible drop off enables families with children in both schools to arrive on time.

Stumperlowe Park Road
S10 3QP

0114 2304094