Nether Green Infant School


Personal, Social and Emotional Development

This is taught weekly in all classes.  We call it PSED throughout school and it includes:-

Personal, social, emotional development - the statutory elements of the curriculum in Reception taken for the EYFS framework. 

Relationships Education - the statutory guidance for Y1 and Y2. 

We say the PSED rap at the beginning of each session.  Have  a listen to the school council performing it.

At Nether Green Infant School we believe that children learn through what they see and experience in the world around them. Our ability to make, keep and manage healthy and positive relationships is essential for our overall well-being. We know that the lived experience of one child can be very different from another and it is important that children understand this and develop tolerance and understanding of others. Our children learn by looking and listening to all the messages they experience; they are constantly trying to make sense of the world around them. Children learn many skills in life through their interactions with family and friends, however young children often need further discussions, clarifications and explanation to help make sense of what they experience in their daily lives. They also benefit from a safe forum where they can ask questions and share any worries or concerns. 

Our school Values

Please click to view how our children in school show our school values.

Our PSHE session begin with our Nether Green rap.

Listen here.

Our KS1 Relationships Education Yearly Overview (click to enlarge)

Take a look at how we deliver our PSED curriculum in KS1. We do this over a two year cycle.

Relationships Education became compulsory to teach in all schools in September 2021. Our Relationships Education leaflet sets out how we aim to deliver this subject to the children in our school. Click here to view.

Our EYFS  Yearly Overview for PSED  (click to enlarge)

Take a look at how we deliver our PSED curriculum in Reception. 

Our EYFS curriculum provides the foundations for the learning that will take place through the Relationships Education curriculum in KS1. 

Circle Time - 

As part of our PSED and RSHE curriculum, we provide time throughout the week to reflect and discuss through the use of circle time. The children use looking, listening, speaking, concentrating and thinking skills to join in with an objective for the session. This may be a question to consider and answer, a game, a story and discussion or a song.  

Story Time - 

Using stories to support the learning in RSHE and PSED enhances the children's understanding and provides them with a chance to reflect on an issue that may have been difficult to otherwise explain. It is important to provide children with this reflective time and provide opportunities to share their understanding and beliefs. The children often are able to relate to and therefore discuss issues easier when they are told through another character or story.


Stumperlowe Park Road
S10 3QP

0114 2304094