Nether Green Infant School

Weekly News Page 

Friday 13th September 2024

Headteacher's Welcome

We have had a great week in school this week. Our new Reception children have coped so well with being in school full time and seem to be really settled and happy. I am so impressed with how well our Y1 and Y2 have got back into the routine of school life; they have been working so hard and  seem really settled into their new routines already. 

It was lovely for teachers to meet some of the KS1 parents face to face at the welcome meetings this week. We know that it is not always possible for all parents to attend so all of the information is on the KS1 page of the school website (link below). If you have any further questions please get in touch with school. 

For those of you who have been into the main playground, you will have noticed our fabulous new Quiet Area that has been developed over the summer. A huge thank you to our PTA for funding this fabulous project!

Our Quiet Area

Books and chalkboards coming soon!

Thank You PTA!!!

Hi Everyone, just a reminder that all parent sand carers are welcome to join us for our first meeting of the school year. This will take place next Tues 17th Sep at the Rising Sun 7:45pm. You don't have to make a regular commitment but if you are able to support the fantastic work that our PTA do then please come and join us and find out more.

You can also contact us by emailing us on (or grab one of us at the gates). Any tiny bit of help you can offer can make a big difference. Plus it's a great way to see more of the school in action and to meet other parents! 
We'll keep sharing meeting dates and upcoming plans in this newsletter and on the class WhatsApp groups. We hugely appreciate all the support we get from parents and look forward to another great year of fun and fundraising! Thanks so much in advance.
Our next meeting will be on Tues 17th Sep at the Rising Sun at 7:45pm  - all welcome! 
Driving Outside School!
Unfortunately staff and parents have witnessed some dangerous driving outside school this week. It is very concerning that some parents are driving too fast, and sometimes erratically right outside school - one of our parents who travels by bike was reversed into by a car this week; thankfully she was not injured but this could have been much, much worse!!!
Parents have also been seen sitting in cars with engines running polluting the air that our children breathe. 
Please remember the safety of children must always be the priority. Please remember to... 
  • Walk or park and stride (there are lots of nearby roads where parents can park)
  • Always bring your child to the gate (please don't open the car door for them to cross the road on  their own)
  • Allow plenty of time to park if you do need to bring the car
  • Park respectfully - we regularly have complaints from local residents who can't leave their homes because their driveways are blocked
  • DRIVE SAFELY - please do not drive onto the pavement to pass an oncoming vehicle - the pavements are for children to safely walk on!
  • Turn engines off - we want our children to breathe fresh air! 

Slow down children sign Royalty Free Stock SVG Vector                            

Notes from the Teachers 

Year 1 Phonics Talk for Parents   

Next Wednesday there will be a talk for parents and carers to find out more about how Phonics is taught in Year 1. This will take place at 9:00am next Wednesday in the school hall and will last about half an hour. Parents and carers wishing to attend should wait outside the front of school whilst we register the children  - you will then be invited into the hall. 


Foundation Stage (Reception)  Information

In addition to the half term Parent Overview, there is also a Weekly Newsletter for parents of children in Reception which gives details of specific leaning each week in school and how this can be supported at home. 

This can be found each week on the Foundation Stage page of the website. Click Here.

Year 1 and 2 Parent Meetings  

Follow the Year 1 & 2 link below to see the presentations that were shared on Wednesday and Thursday this week. 

Learning Information for this Term

Specific learning information for each year group has been uploaded to the Key Stage pages of the website. Please follow the links:-

Year 1 & 2 (KS1)

Reception (Foundation Stage)

If you need to contact your child's class teacher you may email them using the class email which is the name of the class as follows e.g., etc

Please do not expect an immediate response as teachers are teaching all day and are not expected to reply to emails during evenings and weekends. For a quick chat you can wait at the end of the day. For urgent messages please contact the school office. 

Dates for the Diary

Please see attached the Parent Calendar for this year. Please take a few minutes to take note of dates including INSET and holiday dates, Parents' Evenings, Parent workshops to find out about learning in school and performances.  


Notes about the calendar: 'Friendly Friday' - every 4th Friday that the children are in school parents will be invited into classrooms from when they open at 8:40am until when the bell rings at 8:55am. Initially this will just be Y1 and Y2 classes whilst the new Reception children settle. 

Tues 17th Sep - 7:45pm PTA meeting at The Rising Sun

Wed 18th Sep - 9:00am Y1 Phonics Talk for Parents

Thurs 19th Sep - Choir starts after school

Tues 24th Sep - 9:00am Reception Phonics Talk for Parents (PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE)

Wed 25th Sep - 9:00am SEND parent coffee morning

Fri 27th Sep - Friendly Friday - parents in class until 8:55am

Wed 2nd Oct - Y1 & Y2 trip to Yorkshire Wildlife Park

Tues 8th Oct - 9:00am Reception Maths Talk & Workshop for Parents

Mon 14th Oct - SEND Reviews - Reception

Tues 15th Oct - 9:00am Y2 Maths Calculations Policy Talk for Parents

Tues 15th Oct - SEND Reviews - Reception

Wed 16th Oct - SEND Reviews - Reception

Thurs 17th Oct - Individual school photos

Thurs 17th Oct - 5:30pm - 7:00pm Open Evening for Prospective Parents 

Fri 18th Oct - Friendly Friday - parents in class until 9:10am - Book Look

Wed 23rd Oct - 9:00am Y1 Maths Talk for Parents

Thurs 24th Oct - Last day of half term


School Term Dates 2024-25

Messages from the Office
School Dinners - Summer Menu
W/c 16th Sep is week 2.
NOTE: the menu is changing slightly. On Fridays of Weeks 1 and 3 the Cheese Flan will be replaced by a Cheese & Onion Puff Pastry Roll. We will no longer be offering Egg Mayo sandwiches on Mondays - the sandwich option will be cheese.
Lost Property - If things go astray we would like to be able to return them to their owner - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LABEL EVERYTHING!!!
Thurs 19th Sep - Y1 & Y2 Yorkshire Wildlife Park via ParentPay

Our School is a Mobile  Free Zone

This means~:-

  • No phones should be used in the school building
  • No phones should be used in the playground. 

This is for safeguarding reasons.

Changes to DFE Attendance Guidance 

As you may be aware school attendance has become a national issue in the last few years. 

The DFE have recently issued some updated guidance for schools which has now come into force.

This includes:-

  • increased fines for parents taking children out of school during term time for holidays
  • closer monitoring and potential prosecution for irregular attendance - 10 unauthorised absences within 10 weeks (1 absence = 1/2 a day)

The attached letter provides more information - please take a few minutes to read it. 

Changes To Penalty Notices 

What this means for parents:-

  • Please report absence by 9:00am every morning by phoning or emailing the school office
  • Term time holidays will not be authorised and the Local Authority will fine parents
  • Parents can be fined for 10 sessions unauthorised absence during a 10 week period - 1 session = a morning or afternoon
  • Staff will ask for evidence of medical appointments e.g. a letter or text message
  • If you are unsure whether your child is well enough to be in school please speak to a member of school staff. The following link may also be helpful: Should My Child Attend School Today?
Parent School Partnership 
There are lots of things that parents and carers can do do help us to keep our school a happy, safe place for everyone. 
Here are a few requests from us...
1) Please remember our school is a mobile free-zone - this means no phones should be used in the school grounds (this includes the playground). This is for safeguarding reasons. 
2) WhatsApp groups have been set up in many classes by parents - these are a great way to stay in touch, plan social events and remind each other of events that are taking place in school. Please do not use these to discuss any issues or concerns you have about school or things that have happened in school; please come and talk to us if you have any worries about anything. WhatsApp is not the appropriate forum to do this and it can end up causing unnecessary anxiety for parents. If you are not on the class WhatsApp yet - chat to other parents at pick up and someone will be able to help. 
3) Dogs - we understand with busy lives combining the school run with a dog walk can be helpful, however we ask that you keep dogs away from the steps up to the main gate and the ramp up to Turtles classroom. However lovely your dog may be, some children are frightened and to them some of them feel very big!
4) Please ensure your child arrives on time The gate will close just before 8:55am to ensure children are in class ready for register at 8:55am. Phonics is the first lesson of the day - this is where we teach your child to be an amazing reader! Being late is unsettling for your child and means they will miss very important learning too. 
5) Please read all communication that comes home - this will keep you informed about everything that is happening. 
6) Please read the Parent Guide for further useful information.

Wraparound Care And Extra-Curricular Clubs


  • Choir starts on Thurs 19th Sep
  • Please collect all children from extra-curricular clubs at 4:20pm from the gate at the front of school. 

Wrap Around Care
  • Please book in advance where possible - this helps us to ensure safe staffing levels. All bookings can be made via ParentPay.

Piano Lessons in School

  • We have made an enquiry with the Sheffield Music Hub about lessons in school. There is also a contact below for a local teacher who has been in contact and has availability; please note this teacher is not known to school and parents will need to make their own enquiries about suitability. 

Piano and Guitar Teacher

Community News & Events

Broomhill Music Group


Stumperlowe Park Road
S10 3QP

0114 2304094