Headteacher's Welcome This week we have seen our Y1 children excel in their Nativity performances! They were absolutely brilliant! Well done to all our amazing singers, dancers and storytellers - they performed with such confidence. It was a joy to watch and I am very proud of all of them. Huge thanks to our staff team who have worked so hard to ensure every detail was considered to create such a fabulous performance for us all to enjoy! Click to see the pictures in our gallery. Thank you for your generous donations too! We raised £161.44 for the Sheffield Children's Hospital Charity. THANK YOU!!! |
A Few Reminders About Next Week:-
Mon - Y2 singing at Alms Houses; please make sure your child has comfortable shoes to walk in and a warm, waterproof coat
Tues - Choir concert at 6:30pm (children to arrive at 6:00pm)
Wed - Christmas Dinner (lunch menu)
Thurs - Christmas Parties - see letter for what to bring. Children may wear party clothes. Please ensure they have warm clothing to go outside and sensible shoes.
Fri - Come and enjoy our children singing some Christmas songs in the playground! Gate opens at 1:45pm. The PTA are serving refreshments. Singing at 2:00pm. Children may be picked up afterwards if you wish.
After School Club finishes at 4:00pm on Friday.
Extra-Curricular Clubs
Clubs for next half term :-
We have places left in FabLab, Yoga, Musical Theatre & Dance, Choir & Art. These can be booked via ParentPay.
A full description of each club can be found here.
S6 Foodbank Thank you so much for your kind donations so far for the food bank - this is the most donations we've ever had. Please keep supporting - it is hugely appreciated.
Many families in Sheffield are facing increased hardship this winter. S6 Foodbank aim is to help not only with food parcels but debt support, housing advice and benefit guidance. They urgently need donations of:
The box will be outside school daily if you would like to donate. |
Illness in School As you may be aware there have been lots of germs circulating recently and we have had lots of children (and staff) who have been poorly over the last few weeks. Please see the attached guidance from the UK Health Security Agency for the Yorkshire and Humber region which gives further advice. We all want to get to get to Christmas feeling fit and healthy and able to enjoy this special time - hopefully if everyone follows this advice it will help stop these nasty germs from spreading further. |
Christmas Tree Recycling We are excited to announce that we are offering both drop off and collection options for Christmas Tree recycling. Take the hassle out recycling your tree and support school at the same time. If you would like a collection, book your slot now! Don’t forget to share with family and friends in the S10 area! https://www.grownoutofit.co.uk/details/11106 - shop local this Christmas
Hangram Lane Farm Hangram Lane Farm has kindly said they will send a donation for everyone who shops with them during the festive season. Selling everything from trees to turkeys and cakes to pickles, you can pick up some delights and support the school and local farmers.
Get Involved! Thank you for all your support. If you have any questions or comments and want to get involved in the PTA please message us at nethergreeninfantschoolpta@
Messages from the Teachers These will be taking place in the afternoon of Thurs 19th Dec. Please see the letter about what to bring. Children may come to school dressed in party clothes (please ensure they have appropriate footwear and warm clothing as they will still be playing outside! Christmas Party Letter Contact with Teachers If you need to contact your child's class teacher you may email them using the class email which is the name of the class as follows e.g. bears@nethergreen-inf.sheffield.sch.uk, koalas@nethergreen-inf.sheffield.sch.uk etc Please do not expect an immediate response as teachers are teaching all day and are not expected to reply to emails during evenings and weekends. For a quick chat you can wait at the end of the day. For urgent messages please contact the school office. |
Dates for the Diary Please see attached the Parent Calendar for this year. Please take a few minutes to take note of dates, including INSET and holiday dates, Parents' Evenings, and Parent workshops to find out about learning in school and performances. Notes about the calendar: 'Friendly Friday' - every 4th Friday that the children are in school, parents will be invited into classrooms from when they open at 8:40am until when the bell rings at 8:55am.
Mon 16th Dec - PTA Santa's Grotto Mon 16th Dec - Y2 to sing at Alms Houses Tues 17th Dec - 6:30pm Choir Concert Thurs 19th Dec - Christmas parties Fri 20th Dec - 1:45pm Christmas singing outside for parents Fri 20th Dec - After School Club finishes at 4pm Mon 6th Jan - First day of Spring Term Tues 14th Jan - Reception Gingerbread Man Workshop Fri 17th Jan - Friendly Friday - parents in class until 8:55am Mon 20th Jan - Florence Nightingale Workshop Tues 21st Jan - Florence Nightingale Workshop Wed 22nd Jan - Florence Nightingale Workshop Fri 24th Jan - PTA Movie Night Tues 28th Jan - 8:40am Maths Open Morning - all parents welcome Tues 4th Feb - Chinese Dragon Dance Workshop Fri 7th Feb - Friendly Friday Book Look - parents in class until 9:10am |
Community News & Events |
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0114 2304094