Headteacher's Welcome What a busy term we have had in school! There has been so much going on and the children really have settled so well into their new classes. The Reception children seem so confident and happy and are showing increasing independence all the time - well done! Today the Reception children have visited the Firth Homes in Nether Green to deliver a Harvest hamper - thank you for your kind donations! The children entertained the residents with some super harvest singing and their visit was very well received by all - well done Reception! After such a long term I think everyone is ready for a rest! I hope you all have a lovely week and manage some quality family time together.
Take a look at the Learning Gallery to see more photos.
Hello! Half term is here! Have a lovely break. Here are some things to do on a rainy day: Christmas Cards - Templates were sent home last week! All of the instructions are on a leaflet included with the template, but in summary:
1. Encourage your child to design a Christmas card on the blank side. This can be a drawing, painting or collage. Even glitter glue is allowed (but not sprinkle glitter). See Xmas4Schools for further information. Christmas designs are encouraged but it could be anything!
2. Once dry (!), please complete the form on the back.
3. Return to school by Mon 4th Nov (first day back after half term).
4. Xmas4schools will send you a unique order link for your child’s artwork. Use this to order.
5. Everything you order will be delivered to school at the start of December.
A great opportunity to have your child’s design printed onto some lovely products and support school too.
Second Hand Uniform Have a sort out! If you have any uniform that no longer fits and it’s in good condition please consider bringing it to the office! The online website has been a success and so far raised £93.13 and available all year as long as we continue to receive your kind donations. Grown Out of It - Order Second Hand Uniform - order here
School tea towels are back!! These make fantastic Christmas presents! Thank you for all your support, if you have any questions or comments and want to get involved in the PTA please message us on: mailto: Next Meeting Our next meeting will be on Tues 12th Nov at The Florentine at 7:45pm - Everyone welcome! |
Notes from the Teachers Year 1 Maths Talk for Parents It was great to have some parents in school for our Y1 Maths Talk. If you were unable to join us you can find further information about out Calculation Policy and some teaching videos on our Maths Page. Reception Weekly Newsletter Click Here. If you need to contact your child's class teacher you may email them using the class email which is the name of the class as follows e.g. bears@nethergreen-inf.sheffield.sch.uk, koalas@nethergreen-inf.sheffield.sch.uk etc Please do not expect an immediate response as teachers are teaching all day and are not expected to reply to emails during evenings and weekends. For a quick chat you can wait at the end of the day. For urgent messages please contact the school office. |
Online Safety Have you had chance to look at the Online Safety information we shared with children in school last week? Click below for further information.
Club bookings for next half term are now live There are a very small number of places left in Art Club, Choir and Yoga. |
Open Morning for Prospective Parents
Do you know someone who is coming to school in September 2025 (born September 2020-August 2021). Please share information about our upcoming Open Morning that will take place on Tuesday 12th November.
Dates for the Diary Please see attached the Parent Calendar for this year. Please take a few minutes to take note of dates including INSET and holiday dates, Parents' Evenings, Parent workshops to find out about learning in school and performances.
Notes about the calendar: 'Friendly Friday' - every 4th Friday that the children are in school parents will be invited into classrooms from when they open at 8:40am until when the bell rings at 8:55am.
Mon 4th Nov - First day of new half term Tues 12th Nov - 9:30am Open Morning for prospective parents Tues 12th Nov - 7:45pm PTA meeting at The Florentine Fri 15th Nov - BBC Children in Need Tues 19th Nov - 3:30pm - 6:30pm Parents Evening Tues 19th Nov - No extra-curricular clubs Thurs 21st Nov - 3:30pm - 6:30pm Parents Evening Thurs 21st Nov - No extra-curricular clubs Fri 22nd Nov - Flu vaccinations in school Fri 29th Nov - Friendly Friday Fri 29th Nov - 3:30pm - 4:30pm PTA Autumn Fair Wed 11th Dec - 9:15am Y1 Nativity Thurs 12th Dec - 9:15am Y1 Nativity Fri 13th Dec - Pantomime performance in school Tues 17th Dec - 6:30pm Choir Concert Fri 20th Dec - 1:45pm Christmas singing outside for parents Fri 20th Dec - After School Club finishes at 4pm |
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