Nether Green Infant School

Weekly News Page 

Friday 14th February 2025

Headteacher's Welcome

Thanks to everyone for supporting our Pyjama Day and cake sale today - the children certainly enjoyed it! Thanks for all the donations of cakes and also for the funds raised to support the PTA and the Sheffield Children's Hospital. If you haven't had chance to donate you can still go online via this link here 

Safer Internet Day
This week was national 'Safer Internet Day'. The children heard the story 'Troll Stinks' in assembly and discussed the key messages of the story. 
The Story
Billy Goat and his best friend Cyril are messing about with the farmer’s mobile phone, taking selfies and playing games... until they find the number for a troll. Their Grandpa Gruff says trolls are bad, so Billy and Cyril decide to get their own back by sending mean messages. After all, trolls really do stink! Don’t they
The Important Messages
The story explores the issues of taking photos, sending messages and how upsetting it can be to receive unkind texts. We talked to the children about:-
  • Consent - you should always ask someone if you want to take their photo
  • Being Kind Online - you should only ever send kind texts; sending unkind texts can be very upsetting for people
  • Think before you text - its too late once an unkind picture or text has been sent. 
  • The importance of honesty - the goats found the farmer's phone and decided to keep it; if you find something you should always tell an adult - you should never keep things that you find that are not yours

Do you want to find out more about keeping your child safe online?

The NSPCC will be hosting an Online Safety Talk for parents and carers taking place on Wed 30th Apr at 9:30am. We have decided to do this online this year to hopefully enable more parents to attend. We will send more details of how to take part closer to the time. 

NSPCC | Volunteers

 The children have had a lovely day dressed in their pyjamas today.  Thank you to everyone who took part, if you haven’t already done so, donations can be made to Sheffield Children’s Hospital - we’d love to meet our goal of £150.

We also held our cake sale in school today. Thanks to everyone for the donations of cakes. We’ll share the total amount raised in the next newsletter.
Our next big event it the Sponsored Read over the half term holidays. You should have received a letter with a sponsor form in book bags over the last few days. If anyone has missed it you can download it here.  This is a great activity for the children over half term. Just record the number of minutes your child reads a day (even if it’s only a couple) for one week and collect some sponsorship money. There is also an online payment option – see here. Everyone who participates will get a certificate and there will be a fantastic prize of a £5 book token for the winner in each class!
After half term we will hold our movie night event on Fri 28th Feb.  We will be showing the film Rio! We’ll be putting it on in the school hall and encourage those kids who would like to attend to come ready to get comfy with PJs/onesie/teddies etc. It would also be hugely appreciated if they could bring their own water bottle so we can keep Friday night clean up to a minimum.


The cost per child is £6 which includes popcorn and drinks so hopefully it’ll feel as exciting as the cinema! Please log into your ParentPay account to book a place by 23rd Feb and make payment. 

Doors will open at 4.45pm and we’ll aim to start the movie at 5pm. Parents will need to drop children off and come back to school at the end of the viewing. Only PTA volunteers will be able to stay in school. The movie is 1.5 hours long so please be ready to pick up at 6.30pm. 

Please consider whether you think your child will manage to sit for the duration of the movie and get in touch if you have any questions. Please also bear in mind that the film will be projected onto a large screen and we will have professional surround sound which can be loud in places.

Have a great half term holiday. Happy reading!

Feb Half Term Sponsored Read  

Fri 28th Feb Movie Night (remember to book via ParentPay)

Wed 5th Mar – Uniform & Book Sale

Thank you for your continued support!

The PTA Team

If you have any questions, comments or want to get involved in the PTA, please message us at

Extra Curricular Clubs - Spring 2

Things to note:-

  • Booking is now open - please note there was a last minute change for multi-skills - it is now on Fridays.
  • There are a few places left on Yoga, Musical Theatre & Dance, French, FabLab, Choir, Art & Multi Skills


Messages from the Teachers 

 Y1 & Y2

After half term, Y1 and Y2 children will be learning about ‘mechanisms’ and will be making a moving vehicle for a ‘superhero’. They will make an axle with moving wheels. To make the chassis, the children will be designing and making their own vehicle in school and will need to make it out of junk modelling.

PLEASE could you save as many boxes, yoghurt pots, small drinks bottles and toilet roll tubes as you can and bring them in to your class teacher after half term. No bigger than a small shoe box or cereal box though please. See attached letter.

Thank you for your support

Reception Parents

After half term the Reception children will be learning about 'People Who Help Us'. In week 1 (w/c 24th Feb) we will be learning about medical professionals. If you work in this area and would be able to come in and talk to the children about your job then please speak to Mrs Hunter or Mrs Keeling.  

 Foundation Stage Newsletter

This can be found each week on the Foundation Stage page of the website. Click Here.

Contact with Teachers 

If you need to contact your child's class teacher you may email them using the class email which is the name of the class as follows e.g., etc

Please do not expect an immediate response as teachers are teaching all day and are not expected to reply to emails during evenings and weekends. For a quick chat you can wait at the end of the day. For urgent messages please contact the school office. 

Half Term Healthy Selfie!  
We would like to invite our children and their parents/carers to take part in a Half Term Holiday 'HealthySelfie' challenge! We would love for the children to take a selfie photo to show an aspect of 'health and fitness' that they undertook during the holidays. 
This could be anything from some fun physical activity, taking part in a sport, making a healthy snack or even something you have done to positively affect your mental health! We hope to show the children their photos in assembly once we are back at school. Please could you send your HealthySelfie photos to
Many thanks
Messages from the Office
School Dinners - Autumn / Winter Menu
W/c 24th Feb is week 1.
Deadlines via ParentPay
Sun 23rd Feb - PTA Movie Night - all children (optional)
Tues 25th Feb - Lemurs trip to Concord (Lemurs only)
Thurs 27th Feb - Wonderdome Planetarium - Y1 & Y2 only
Thurs 6th Mar - Amazelab Workshops - all children

Dates for the Diary

Please see attached the Parent Calendar for this year. Please take a few minutes to take note of dates, including INSET and holiday dates, Parents' Evenings and Parent workshops to find out about learning in school and performances.  

Notes about the calendar: 'Friendly Friday' - every 4th Friday that the children are in schoolparents will be invited into classrooms from when they open at 8:40am until when the bell rings at 8:55am

Fri 14th Feb - Last day of half term

Mon 24th Feb - First day of half term

Fri 28th Feb - PTA Movie Night

Tues 4th Mar - Wonderdome Planetarium - KS1

Wed 5th Mar - PTA Uniform & Book Sale

Thurs 6th Mar - World Book Day

Fri 7th MarFriendly Friday Book Look - parents in class until 8:55am

Fri 7th Mar - Lemurs Trip to Concord

Tues 11th Mar - Amazelab Workshops - all classes

Tues 18th Mar - 3:30-6:30pm Parent's Evening

Tues 18th Mar - No extra-curricular clubs

Thurs 20th Mar3:30-6:30pm Parent's Evening

Thurs 20th Mar - No extra-curricular clubs

Fri 21st Mar - 2:00pm Rocksteady Concert

Tues 25th Mar - 9:15am Reception Spring Concert

Wed 26th Mar - 9:15am Reception Spring Concert

Fri 28th Mar - Last day of spring term

Mon 14th Apr - First day of summer term

Wed 16th Apr - PTA Easter Egg Hunt

Thurs 17th Apr - Easter Bonnet Parade with NGJS

Fri 18th Apr - Bank Holiday - Good Friday

Mon 21st Apr- Bank Holiday - Easter Monday

Wed 23rd Apr - Penguins Dance at Octagon

Weds 30th Apr - 9:30am NSPCC Online safety Talk - ONLINE

School Term Dates 2024-25

School Term Dates 2025-26

We are still collecting for the S6 Foodbank

We will continue to support the S6 foodbank - please bring donations to the foyer and put in the food bank box.
Many families in Sheffield are facing increased hardship this winter. S6 Foodbank aim is to help not only with food parcels but debt support, housing advice and benefit guidance. They urgently need donations of:
  • Tinned products - meat, fish, fruit, vegetables and rice pudding 
  • UHT milk 
  • Cereals
  • Tea and coffee 
  • Biscuits and treats 
  • Washing up liquid, washing powder tablets 
  • Toiletries and nappies size 5 and above 

The box will be in the school foyer, outside the office if you would like to donate. 

Community News & Events

Tennis Festival
Courtside (who have visited school to do a tennis taster session for our children, and who will be running an after school club during the summer term) are hosting a Tennis Festival in Millhouses Park on Saturday 15th February 1-4pm. The festival will be lots of fun and open to all year groups (Reception – Y6). All information about the event is on this flyer. 
Yoga Half Term Camp

Kids Love Yoga, who deliver our Yoga Club, are running a Kids Yoga Holiday Camp for two days over February half term at 74th Oak Street Scout Hut, Meersbrook S8, 17th & 18th February, 9am-3.30pm. £25-28 per day plus a 10% sibling discount with code HPU609.

Kids February Half Term Camp (ages 4-10)

See dates (full days 9am-3.30pm) and book here: 

Stumperlowe Park Road
S10 3QP

0114 2304094