Nether Green Infant School

Weekly News Page 

Friday 20th September 2024

Headteacher's Welcome

We have had a great week in school this week. The children are coming into school so well in the mornings, settling quickly and it really is hard to believe they have only been in their new classes for 3 weeks! They really have had such a super start to the school year. For parents in Year 1 & 2, you will be able to pop into classrooms next Friday 27th for our first 'Friendly Friday'. The gate will open at 8:40am as usual and parents may join their child for a quick visit to their classrooms - parents are kindly asked to leave the building at 8:55am when the bell rings so the children can be registered. Parents are asked to leave the building promptly to ensure the register can be taken and learning can start. Friendly Friday sessions will be open to Reception later on in the year once teachers are confident that the children will cope with a change to routine.

Hi Everyone,
The first PTA AGM & Planning meeting of the year took place on Tues 17th Sep, it was great to see so many new faces. If you couldn’t make the first meeting, the next one will be on 12th November at the Florentine, so please come along.
Last school year thanks to collective efforts of the PTA, parents, pupils and teachers the activities organised by the PTA raised a grand total of £10,969.56!! So this year the children of NGIS have a brand new sensory wellbeing garden, boosted computing resources, new football nets and two new outdoor shelters. You don't have to make a regular commitment but if you are able to support the fantastic work that our PTA do in any way, big or small, you really can help to make a big difference and we would love to hear from you: please contact us by emailing us on
After quick introductions and the formality of appointing two new co-chairs, trustees, a new secretary and review of last year’s accounts, we quickly got down to the important business of planning fun activities for the children, and there will be lots going on in the run up to Christmas!
We will be kick starting things with our much loved school uniform sale - now will be the time to pick up those extra jumpers (as we all know one is never enough!). This will take place 27th September before and after “Friendly Friday”.
Over the coming weeks we’ll be sharing our plans for exciting, new fundraising activities and what we’re planning for the children in NGIS. Two great ways to get involved would be to sign up to our school lottery and/or easy funding which means whilst you’re shopping you earn money for the school at no extra cost! Please see links below:
School lottery: Give yourself a chance of winning the weekly lottery! Click here to join
Easy fundraising: Raise money for school when you buy really is that easy! click here to
Our next meeting will be on Tues 12th Nov at The Florentine at 7:45pm  - all welcome! 

Cars Outside School

This week a member of staff's car has been damaged whilst parked outside school - it looks like a car door may have been opened on the road, possibly to drop off a child - please  do not 'drop and go'...please ensure you bring your child safely to the school gate.

Please be careful around parked cars - this could have been avoided.

Notes from the Teachers 

 Reception Phonics Talk for Parents   - Tuesday 24th September 9:00am

Next Tuesday there will be a talk for parents and carers to find out more about how Phonics is taught in Reception. Phonics is the key strategy we teach children help them to learn to read; understanding more about how children learn Phonics will help Parents and carers to be able to support their child with reading and writing .  This will take place at 9:00am next Wednesday in the school hall and will last about half an hour. Parents and carers wishing to attend should wait outside the front of school whilst we register the children  - you will then be invited into the hall. 

Year 1 Phonics Talk for Parents   

Thanks to those of you who were able to attend the Phonics Talk on Wednesday. You can find out more about how we teach phonics and reading by looking at our Phonics and Reading Curriculum page - here.

Foundation Stage (Reception)  Information

Reception Weekly Newsletter Click Here.

Learning Information for this Term

Specific learning information for each year group has been uploaded to the Key Stage pages of the website. Please follow the links:-

Year 1 & 2 (KS1)

Reception (Foundation Stage)

If you need to contact your child's class teacher you may email them using the class email which is the name of the class as follows e.g., etc

Please do not expect an immediate response as teachers are teaching all day and are not expected to reply to emails during evenings and weekends. For a quick chat you can wait at the end of the day. For urgent messages please contact the school office. 

Dates for the Diary

Please see attached the Parent Calendar for this year. Please take a few minutes to take note of dates including INSET and holiday dates, Parents' Evenings, Parent workshops to find out about learning in school and performances.  


Notes about the calendar: 'Friendly Friday' - every 4th Friday that the children are in school parents will be invited into classrooms from when they open at 8:40am until when the bell rings at 8:55am. Initially this will just be Y1 and Y2 classes whilst the new Reception children settle. 

Tues 24th Sep - 9:00am Reception Phonics Talk for Parents 

Wed 25th Sep - 9:00am SEND parent coffee morning

Fri 27th Sep - 8.30am PTA Uniform Sale

Fri 27th Sep - Friendly Friday - parents in class until 8:55am

Wed 2nd Oct - Y1 & Y2 trip to Yorkshire Wildlife Park

Tues 8th Oct - 9:00am Reception Maths Talk & Workshop for Parents

Mon 14th Oct - SEND Reviews - Reception

Tues 15th Oct - 9:00am Y2 Maths Calculations Policy Talk for Parents

Tues 15th Oct - SEND Reviews - Reception

Wed 16th Oct - SEND Reviews - Reception

Thurs 17th Oct - Individual school photos

Thurs 17th Oct - 5:30pm - 7:00pm Open Evening for Prospective Parents 

Fri 18th Oct - Friendly Friday - parents in class until 9:10am - Book Look

Wed 23rd Oct - 9:00am Y1 Maths Talk for Parents

Thurs 24th Oct - Last day of half term


School Term Dates 2024-25

Messages from the Office
School Dinners - Summer Menu
W/c 23rd Sep is week 3.
NOTE: the menu is changing slightly. On Fridays of Weeks 1 and 3 the Cheese Flan will be replaced by a Cheese & Onion Puff Pastry Roll. We will no longer be offering Egg Mayo sandwiches on Mondays - the sandwich option will be cheese.
Lost Property - If things go astray we would like to be able to return them to their owner - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LABEL EVERYTHING!!!

SEND Coffee Morning

Mrs Stackhouse and Miss Hill would like to invite all parents of children with SEND to a coffee morning next Wednesday at 9:00am. Please come to the school office to sign in. 

Changes to DFE Attendance Guidance 

As you may be aware school attendance has become a national issue in the last few years. 

The DFE have recently issued some updated guidance for schools which has now come into force.

This includes:-

  • increased fines for parents taking children out of school during term time for holidays
  • closer monitoring and potential prosecution for irregular attendance - 10 unauthorised absences within 10 weeks (1 absence = 1/2 a day)

The attached letter provides more information - please take a few minutes to read it. 

Changes To Penalty Notices 

What this means for parents:-

  • Please report absence by 9:00am every morning by phoning or emailing the school office
  • Term time holidays will not be authorised and the Local Authority will fine parents
  • Parents can be fined for 10 sessions unauthorised absence during a 10 week period - 1 session = a morning or afternoon
  • Staff will ask for evidence of medical appointments e.g. a letter or text message
  • If you are unsure whether your child is well enough to be in school please speak to a member of school staff. The following link may also be helpful: Should My Child Attend School Today?

Family Communication Seminar

On Fri 18th Oct Nether Green Junior School is hosting a Family Communication Seminar which will be delivered by Sheffield Parent Carer Hub.

Parents of children attending Broomhill Infant
School, Nether Green Infant School and Nether Green Junior School are warmly welcome to attend. The seminar will take place from 9:00am – 10:30am and refreshments will be provided.
The Family Communication Seminar is a practical seminar for parents and carers of school aged children.

Content covers why communication quality matters to your child’s education and how to create the best relationship environment for your children. This seminar covers the following helpful topics:

  • Setting a good example for your child.
  • Home and school environments – how to help your child. 
  • What we do and say – the difference it can make.
  • Learn simple effective skills of being assertive to improve communication in your relationships

If you would like to attend please email our school office. 

More Information 

Community News & Events

Girls Football - Hallam & Redmires Ranges Wildcats 24-25 Season

Fulwood Church Fun Day - 21 Sep

St John's Choir 

St Johns Church have been in touch to ask if anyone would be interested in joining their Junior Choir. If you would like more information, please contact:

Stumperlowe Park Road
S10 3QP

0114 2304094