Nether Green Infant School

Weekly News Page 

Friday 10th January 2025

Headteacher's Welcome

 Happy New Year! 

Welcome back! It wasn't quite the start to the new year we had all anticipated but despite the disruption the children have settled back into school routines quickly and sensibly. There is more information below about the learning that will be taking place in each year group - this includes information about topics, individual subjects and key vocabulary - do spend a few minutes taking a look. 

Healthy Elfie - Selfie Challenge
Well done to everyone who completed the 'Healthy Elfie' Selfie Challenge.  You can take a look at some of 'Elfie Selfies' below. Good to see so many of you making healthy choices over the Christmas period!

NHS Pharmacy First Service

Did you know that the NHS Pharmacy First Service enables children and adults to get convenient access to healthcare advice and treatment where appropriate, for seven common conditions without the potential delay of having to wait for a GP appointment? Accessing the service may mean that we can help children feel better and get back to school as quickly as possible, as well as supporting parents/carers to also get better if they are unwell with one of the conditions covered under the service.

There is no need to make an appointment; parents or carers can pop into their local Boots pharmacy with their child and ask for help under the service.

Support for the following conditions can be accessed under the service, free of charge (unless NHS prescription charges apply):

Common condition

Patient eligibility


1 to 17 years


1 year and over

Infected insect bites and stings

1 year and over 

Sore throats

5 years and over 


12 years and over 

Uncomplicated urinary tract

Women 16 to 64 years 


18 years and over


A summary of the service is available as an animation and more information can also be found at 

Thank you for all of your support in the run up to Christmas! The PTA raised lots of money for school. We will be in touch soon about events this term. 

If you have any questions or comments and want to get involved in the PTA please message us at
Messages from the Office
School Dinners - Autumn / Winter Menu
W/c 13th January is week 1.
Deadlines via ParentPay
Fri 10th Jan - Gingerbread Man Workshop - Reception only
Thurs 16th Jan - Florence Nightingale Workshop - Y1 & Y2 only
Thurs 16th Jan - Elephants Trip to EIS - Elephants only
Fri 24th Jan - Chinese Dragon Dance Workshop - Whole school

Learning Information for this Term

Specific learning information for each year group has been uploaded to the Key Stage pages of the website. Please follow the links:-

Year 1 & 2 (KS1) This term the topic in Y1 & Y2 is 'Real Life Superheroes'

Reception (Foundation Stage) - This term the topic is 'Once Upon a Time' 

Foundation Stage (Reception)  Information

In addition to the half term Parent Overview, there is also a Weekly Newsletter for parents of children in Reception which gives details of specific leaning each week in school and how this can be supported at home. 

This can be found each week on the Foundation Stage page of the websiteClick Here.

Contact with Teachers 

If you need to contact your child's class teacher you may email them using the class email which is the name of the class as follows e.g., etc

Please do not expect an immediate response as teachers are teaching all day and are not expected to reply to emails during evenings and weekends. For a quick chat you can wait at the end of the day. For urgent messages please contact the school office. 

S6 Foodbank

We will continue to support the S6 foodbank - pleas bring donations to the foyer and put in the food bank box.
Many families in Sheffield are facing increased hardship this winter. S6 Foodbank aim is to help not only with food parcels but debt support, housing advice and benefit guidance. They urgently need donations of:
  • Tinned - meat, fish, fruit, vegetables and rice pudding 
  • UHT milk 
  • Cereals
  • Tea and Coffee 
  • Biscuits and treats 
  • Washing up liquid, washing powder tablets 
  • Toiletries and Nappies size 5 and above 

The box will be in the school foyer, outside the office if you would like to donate. 

Illness in School

 As you may be aware there have been lots of germs circulating recently and we have had lots of children (and staff) who have been poorly over the last few weeks. Please see the attached guidance from the UK Health Security Agency for the Yorkshire and Humber region which gives further advice. 

UK Health Security Advice

Dates for the Diary

Please see attached the Parent Calendar for this year. Please take a few minutes to take note of dates, including INSET and holiday dates, Parents' Evenings, and Parent workshops to find out about learning in school and performances.  

Notes about the calendar: 'Friendly Friday' - every 4th Friday that the children are in schoolparents will be invited into classrooms from when they open at 8:40am until when the bell rings at 8:55am

Tues 14th Jan - Reception Gingerbread Man Workshop

Fri 17th Jan - Friendly Friday - parents in class until 8:55am

Mon 20th Jan - Florence Nightingale Workshop

Tues 21st Jan - Florence Nightingale Workshop

Wed 22nd Jan - Florence Nightingale Workshop

Mon 27th Jan - Elephants Trip to EIS

Tues 28th Jan - 8:40am Maths Open Morning - all parents welcome

Tues 4th Feb - Chinese Dragon Dance Workshop

Fri 7th Feb - Friendly Friday Book Look - parents in class until 9:10am

School Term Dates 2024-25

Community News & Events

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